Roast dinner
Let’s start this week with food.
Master Chef Paul cooked up a fantastic roast dinner with a fantastic selection of homemade cakes and biscuits for dessert.

Salad = House Points
The salad bar is open at lunch and dinner. We’re going to give one House Point to every student who eats a bowl of salad with their meal.
This week’s Get Ahead options are:
- Performing Arts – Drama and Theatre
- Creative English – Shakespeare
- Leadership – Model United Nations
- Pro-Sport – Tennis, Golf and Football
- Intensive English – Cambridge FCE
Breaking news:
- The motion for the Model United Nations Debate will be: “Immigration is of benefit to the host nation.”
- The Shakespeare play students are studying is Macbeth.
“Fair is foul and foul is fair”
Carla from France studying question forms with amazing Core English teacher Louise.
Pool party
In Club Time students did
- Football
- Crafts
- Unihockey
This evening students enjoyed a pool party – a great way to make new friends.