“Parting is such sweet sorrow!”
Juliet in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
- Sweet sorrow
- New students
- Drayton Manor
- Ludlow Castle
We are going to miss you!

Parting is such sweet sorrow
Lots of students are leaving today. You brought open minds and open hearts to Ludlow and you made summer school magical.
Thank you wonderful students
We are going to miss you very much.
The important thing now is to keep in touch with each other. Write to each other. Call each other. Whatsapp message each other. Visit it each other. This is just the start of your new international friendships.

Isn’t that an amazing photo? Would you believe they have been have been awake helping students get ready to leave since 4 o’clock in the morning?
#TheyNeedACupOfTea (with milk)
Claudia from Barcelona, Spain has been such a positive student these last two weeks. There she is behind Rachel. Goodbye and thank you for bringing an extra dose of “positive vibes” to campus Claudia! Keep in touch!
New students
Many students have arrived and are arriving today including these guys.
English joke We asked them to frown, but most refused and insisted on smiling...
Summer school is a big challenge.
Some students take to summer school “like a duck to water”.
Some will take a few days to “settle in” or feel at home.
Who ever said school was going to be easy?
- New food
- A new country.
- 18 new cultures to deal with
- New teachers
- New subjects
- Away from home
- No mum and dad
… all in a second language.
On the other hand, there are upsides:
- No mum and dad… (!) [English joke]
- 25+ hours of activities a week
- New friends
- Trying new sports and developing skills
- Trying new food from all around the world
- 20 hectares of gardens
- 150+ hours spent using English over two weeks
- Cinema nights, bowling nights and excursions to new places
One thing is for sure, summer school might not be easy, but it makes young people more independent, more resilient and they gain a more international perspective. So let’s face this challenge together.
Other news:
Drayton Manor
Today some students went to Drayton Manor with Seth:
Ludlow Castle and town
Some students spent the morning discovering Ludlow Castle and Ludlow.
Chill time
After such an ‘actioned packed week’ most students were really tired. In the afternoon pro-Tennis coaches and pro-Golf coaches delivered light taster training sessions and then students chilled out.

Good night everyone:
Welcome back home to the students who have left – we hope you had a safe journey. Sleep well remaining students and new arrivals!