Last week was amazing and we were busy doing many different things. We went shopping in Ludlow. Later there was a very beautiful concert by Jack & Nick. Every day there are tennis lessons and English lessons with funny teachers. Last Saturday I went to London by train. In London we saw Big Ben, London Eye, Tower bridge and Buckingham Palace. We went to Oxford Street to do some shopping. Last Sunday we went to a theme park called Drayton Manor. Me, Klaudia and Weronika went on a rollercoaster with water and we got wet. We also went to the cinema and we saw THE AVENGERS. I played benchball and golf. Last Tuesday we had Olympics and it was fun. We also had a pool party. Me and Klaudia had lots of interviews. We organized a Fashion Show. Last Monday we went to Birmingham. I bought lots of key rings and presents for my family. It was a very exciting week.
Julia from Poland