The new week starts on Friday at More Than English summer school. do you find it weird? Well, perspective is everything, as Rory Sutherland says in his TED Talk. And besides, it doesn’t matter what day it is when you’re having so much fun every single day, right?
New Get Ahead options
Dance Choreography is now in session, allowing teenagers to move more and impress us a lot with their amazing dance moves.

Ceramics kicked off today and it couldn’t be more hands-on! The students started their journey in arts and crafts by making clay birds. Aren’t they lovely?

For big fans of tennis and golf, these options are still being offered during the second week as well. How could we stop a teenager from mastering the perfect golf shot anyway?
Bowling night

This was an absolutely epic night for our students. Some of them had gone bowling before and some hadn’t. But even for the ones who had, this was the first time they went bowling together with other teenagers from 18 different countries. How cool is that?