Trip to Ludlow
Our campus is near Ludlow, so why not pay it a visit? It’s such a beautiful town and it dates back to the 12th century. So much history! The weather was lovely and made our photos look even more amazing.

The view from the top of the Ludlow Castle tower is stunning!
See for yourself:
That’s a 360-degree photograph. You can move around, just like in Street View. By the way, we did not break that flag pole.
Ludlow is a lovely town, with many things to do, like visit the museum, eat locally produced meat, explore the open street market or go shopping in one of the local shops.
You can buy hats…




And, of course, you can buy ice-cream.

Getting back to school involved walking through the fields (we love green) while exercising one of our most fundamental freedoms.

If you see the yellow arrow, keep going. You have a right to do so.

It’s a tough job, but someone has got to do it. When Dr Evil tried to destroy the world from his Base on the water, there were only four boys that could save the world: Sammy (Spain), Moritz (Germany), Tudor (Romania) and Volodomyr (Ukraine). The world needs more heroes like our More Than English boys.
New arrivals
We welcomed 12 teenagers from Czechia, France, Germany, Poland and Spain.
Parting students
We waved goodbye to Agnes and Emilian. We miss you!

We hope to see you again soon. But until then, enjoy the journey.