School Inspection
How proud we were today of our wonderful teenage guests from around the world. The school inspector checked all the welfare, safety and booking systems scrutinising also the teaching of a wide range of subjects from Art to Film Making to English. It’s true that he made lots of nice comments, but there’s one that really made us smile. He watched the interaction of the children together and simply could not believe how comfortable and relaxed the children were with each other after only 4 days. He was amazed at how well they were collaborating together and working as a team. That ladies and gentlemen, is a little summer school magic right before your eyes.
Here are a few highlights from the classrooms on inspection day:
Our art students told the art teachers Shirley and Garry that they couldn’t draw. However, the lesson from the lesson with Shirley and Garry is that with the right training EVERYONE can do art.

Coming soon on the blog: Art Exhibtion
Film Making
So, what happens when the school inspector accidentally walks into the Film Making class? Well, no prizes for guessing that suddenly s/he finds himself/herself with a cameo role in the film… Here’s what happened: