Thursdays bring new blood life to More Than English summer school, but at the same time we have to say goodbye to departing students who have completed their journey.
A big group leaves today, after spending the last two weeks at summer school. We wish them the best and hope to see them again. Also, we would love to keep hearing from them.

Summer school is a great way to make new friends. Plus, it’s so easy for teenagers to stay in touch afterwards thanks to technology. These connections might not be active at all times, but they are not dormant either. They are on stand-by and who knows what they can enable these friends to do in the future. Belonging to a worldwide network of connected friends definitely sounds very empowering in our age.

Lots of teenagers from nine countries joined us today. We welcome them all and wish them to make the most out of their experience at More Than English summer school.

An exciting week lies ahead, with new Get Ahead options, clubs, activities, trips and excursions. Are you ready for week 3?