Sometimes you don’t need words:
… Wasn’t that amazing? Let’s just say we are VERY, VERY PROUD of our young people. Thank you to all parents and students together with Activity Designer Manager Ania and Activity Designer Nerea who led on the organisation of this fantastic evening supported also by Emma and Beth.

Represented by our young ambassadors tonight at International Night:
- Poland
- Romania
- The Czech Republic
- Ukraine
- Mexico
- Lebanon
- Greece
- France
- Canada
- Germany
- Italy
- Spain
Also in The News:
Get Ahead Leadership Business Challenge Update
Two companies have emerged. They’re both selling similar products. They are both staffed by determined teenager entrepreneurs, and they are BITTER RIVALS.
Team 1: led by the remarkable Daria from Romania, 12 years old with C1 English:
Team 2: Vitamin Oasis: with a horizontal management structure.

An important lesson learnt:
Daria’s team is selling smoothies with no added sugar apart from honey in their banana milkshake option.
In contrast, Vitamin Oasis are selling smoothies with Oreos blended in… Think about that name: “Vitamin Oasis”. What does it suggest to you…?
So, we have a team selling healthy products and a team selling drinks made with added sugar. Who do you think will sell the most? Should Vitamin Oasis be allowed to use a name which suggests health?
In the first Business lesson tomorrow the teams will review their sales of each product; make adjustments to their product range and meet the public for one final sales push.
The winning team will be the one which makes the most money. After that we hope that governments in every country will step in and impose legally binding regulations that ban the adding of sugar to smoothies.